Photo credit: Emma Capp
Police move in so logging may begin.
60 Police have raided camp Florentine this morning to remove road blockades so that logging of the contentious area can begin. An Exclusion Zone has been declared by Forestry Tasmania, to prevent public access to the area. A Hobart man has already been arrested for being in the exclusion zone. More arrests are expected today.
Three conservationists are positioned 50 m up tree platforms blocking the access road and log landing. Two conservationists are chained to vehicles cemented into the road. Another is occupying a tunnel that has been dug under the road preventing access to the old growth logging area.
The protest camp has been running since 2006 when Forestry Tasmania began pushing a new road through pristine wilderness forest. Despite widespread public condemnation Forestry Tasmania now plan to log 25 hectares of the first 50 hectare coupe, 80% of the timber will be wood chipped.
“It’s disappointing to see, once again, Tasmania Police being the public escort for Gunns Ltd and Forestry Tasmania’s ruthless plans to log our remaining old growth forests into extinction. 80% of the forest that will be logged will go to Asia to make wrapping, toilet and writing paper. Is this how we want our iconic world heritage valued forests to be remembered?” said spokesperson Ed Hill.
“The logging industry is facing massive cutbacks and a stagnant wood chip market. Ports are drowning under wood chip stockpiles, yet this government insists on continuing to decimate the pristine, carbon dense forests of the upper Florentine for woodchips.” Said Mr. Hill
“This is a last ditch effort by the Bartlett Government and their good mates Gunns Ltd to obliterate remaining old growth areas before the state of the wood chip market prevents them from doing so.”
“Given the current economic climate it is irresponsible of David Bartlett to allow our iconic, globally recognized old growth forests to be destroyed forever for short term marginal gain. David Bartlett should realize the long term value of our forests for tourism, carbon storage, habitat, clean air and water.” Said Mr. Hill
Hundreds of people are expected to attend a community rally in the upper Florentine this Sunday, to support the actions of the conservationists.
Shame on the Tasmanian Government, wasting our Taxes like this.
ReplyDeleteAfter they almost incinerated a protestor by recklessly endangering her life on Thursday, you would think they would be reviewing procedures, instead of barking happily when Forestry Tas whistles for them.