Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Media Release - Monday 20th April 2009



“$1.2m damage caused to forest equipment”

Still Wild Still Threatened would like to make an official statement in response to today’s media release circulated by Tasmanian Police regarding the damage caused to three forest excavators in regrowth and plantation forests on Boggy Creek Road in the Lower Florentine Valley (wrongly reported as being the Upper Florentine Valley.)

 “Still Wild Still Threatened and Camp Florentine are staunchly committed to the principles of non-violence and we do not condone any form of damage to forestry machines or equipment.” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson, Ali Alishah.

“We are unequivocally unsympathetic to any people or groups who engage in this type of behaviour and support a comprehensive and thorough investigation and prosecution of those responsible,” said Mr Alishah

“We trust the Tasmania Police will investigate every possible avenue and that the forestry industry will co-operate fully with their investigations,” said Mr Alishah.

“There have been no protests in the regrowth/plantation area of the Lower Florentine Valley where the machinery was damaged. The location of this alleged incident has been wrongly reported by Tasmania Police as being the Upper Florentine Valley,” said Mr Alishah.


Regarding instances of damage to logging equipment:-

* On the 16th of March, 1993 Victoria Police Superintendent Haldane issued an internal memo, “Damage to logging equipment”, Quote: “This relates in particular to damage being done by pro-logging interests in an attempt to discredit the anti-woodchipping and conservation movements… ensure that all investigative options are explored - DO NOT assume that any act of damage to logging equipment or logging infrastructure is done by conservationists or members of anti-logging groups


* Another internal memo was issued by Superintendent Haldane of the Victoria Police, Bairnsdale Division, 14th March 1995, titled “Forest Protection Society” [Which has since been re-named Timber Communities Australia]; “In recent months members of the Forest Protection Society (F.P.S) have attempted to align themselves with police personnel in the logging verses anti-logging debate.  Members are advised that the Forest Protection Society is an industry funded pro-logging lobby group with a vested and one-sided interest in the continuance of native forest timber harvesting.  Members having dealings with the F.P.S should do so in this knowledge and be careful not to compromise the impartial position of the force.”

(See attachments)

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