Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Over 90 wrongful trespass charges

Conservation group Still Wild Still Threatened have today revealed that the Camp Florentine protest camp has never been in an exclusion zone. The protest has maintained a constant presence in the area since 2006. Forestry Tasmania has consistently stated that the camp is illegal and is situated in an exclusion zone.

Surveyor’s maps of the area clearly show that the protest site and all associated tree sits and other sites of protest activity fall outside the exclusion zone.

Last week it was revealed that Forestry Tasmania had bungled the mapping of the exclusion zone meaning a large area where the majority of protest has occurred in the last three years is outside the exclusion zone. The first arrests occurred in February, 2007 and since then Still Wild Still Threatened estimates that there has been over 90 charges of trespass laid against community members. In light of the exclusion zone being mapped incorrectly all of these people may now appeal against their conviction. "Forestry Tasmania’s incompetence and the inaccurate information they gave police means that the protest site is not in the exclusion zone and not a
single trespass charge against peaceful protesters has ever been legitimate."Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

"Forestry Tasmania’s staggering bungle raises serious doubts about their ability to manage our state’s forests and highlights their lack of accountability as they blindly led police and the State Government to believe that protests in the area were illegal." Said Mr.Hill. "A massive police operation that lasted the entire month of May drained police resources and tied up the force across the state, just to facilitate Forestry Tasmania’s decimation of ancient forest. Tasmania police acted as the public escorts for Forestry Tasmania and blindly followed their directions about where the exclusion zone begins. Tasmania police should have verified the location of the exclusion rather than accepting Forestry Tasmania’s inaccurate information and making wrongful arrests." Said Mr.Hill.

"The State Government has vilified forest protesters for their supposed illegal actions when in fact they’ve been legal all along. Premier Bartlett should apologise to concerned members of the public who have stood up for Tasmania’s forests and wrongfully been arrested and charged, due to the incompetency of the State owned business enterprise Forestry Tasmania." Said
Ed Hill.

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