Thursday, May 21, 2009

Black Cockatoo stops Logging Destruction

Photo copyright: Matthew Newton

Twenty conservationists have established a blockade on Gordon River Rd in the Upper Florentine Valley this morning. An 8 metre high tripod has been erected and a giant black cockatoo is perched at the top. The tripod structure is preventing access for log trucks to the contentious old growth logging area in the Upper Florentine while enabling access for tourists.

“Today we have stopped the transportation of our high conservation value old growth forests, from the south west wilderness, to the Triabunna chip mill and then to the Asian market place to make low grade paper product” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ed Hill.

“The old growth forests of the Upper Florentine are far more valuable left standing for tourism, climate stability, biodiversity and endangered species retention. Instead the Bartlett government insists on strategic and swift liquidation of these iconic areas for short term marginal economic gains” said Mr Hill.

“David Bartlett has shown his true environmental credentials this month, starting with the liquidation of ancient forest for wood chips in the Upper Florentine one week and then taking the axe to Tasmania’s environment department” said Mr Hill.

“David Bartlett’s blatant disregard for the environment as an issue for Tasmania is worrying indeed. Tasmania’s environment is the foundation of our economy and society. The Premier is not creating a “new Tasmania”, he is re-hashing the worst policies of the Lennon era” said Mr Hill.

“The forests of the Upper Florentine are refuges for threatened species such as the Tasmanian Devil and Wedge Tailed Eagle. There is federal legislation that protects these animals in the form of the EPBC act; however the Regional Forest Agreement is exempt. The Federal Government must intervene to protect Tasmania’s old growth forests and up hold their EPBC act which the Tasmanian Government and the RFA is making a mockery of” said Mr Hill.

“A Senate inquiry into the RFA will soon reveal the truth about this utterly flawed process, which provides no protection to endangered species” concluded Mr Hill. 
Arrests are expected to take place today at the protest site.

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