Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Media Release - 4pm Wednesday 25th February 2009

Triabunna 13 Case – Decision on Gunns Strike Out Action deferred

Gunns Limited has today attempted to strike out the defense and counterclaim Triabunna 13 forest activists who were sued after a climate change focused action at the Triabunna woodchip mill late last year.

Justice David Porter is currently considering arguments put forward by Gunns Limited and the defendents, with a decision expected in the coming weeks.

The Triabunna 13 are suing Gunns over breaches of the Trade Practices Act, claiming that Gunns have mislead and deceived over statements that the proposed Tamar Valley pulp mill will not be supplied by old growth forests.

“The Triabunna 13  are confident that both our defense, based on an implied constitutional right to political communication, and our counterclaim will stand up, and we look forward to pursuing these matters with Gunns in court at a later date,” said Huon Valley Environment Centre spokesperson Warrick Jordan.

Media Alert - Wednesday 25th February

First Triabunna 13 Court Appearance Today, Gunns seek to strike out claim

“ The Triabunna 13 view this appearance as the first step in getting Gunns and Calton Frame into the court room. We have strong grounds to believe they have mislead and deceived the Tasmanian public over their claims that no old growth forests and no old growth logs will be used in the Tamar Valley pulp mill,” said Huon Valley Environment Centre spokesperson Warrick Jordan.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Media Release - 23 February 2009

Workplace Health and Safety Pursues Triabunna Activists,
Legal Blitz Questioned

   Ula Majewski, an activist involved in December's peaceful direct action at Gunns Limited Triabunna woodchip mill,  has received correspondence from Workplace Standards Tasmania (attached) interrogating her over her role in the action.

" The Triabunna action was undertaken to draw attention to the climate change impacts of the Gunns-driven destruction of ancient forest. As a result, activists have been arrested, sued, labelled as terrorists, personally abused by well known logging industry identities, and are now being interrogated with a blatant misuse of Workplace Health and Safety laws," Huon Valley Environment Centre Spokesperson Warrick Jordan said.

" In the past week, law abiding Tasmanians  and their families who attended peaceful rallies in the Upper Florentine have had Tasmania Police turning up on their doorstep and questioning them as to why they were standing on a public road or in a public forest. Now we have Workplace Standards questioning activists as to why a credit card was used to hire a vehicle," Warrick Jordan said.

"These moves smack of intimidation. Public institutions who's role is to protect the public and protect workers from unsafe working conditions are being used as a tool to intimidate Tasmanians from speaking up over the destruction of old growth forest," Warrick Jordan said.

" The Bartlett Government cannot expect to stir up conflict over forests by logging in iconic valleys such as the Styx, Weld and Upper Florentine, and by pushing though widely unpopular plans such as the Tarkine Road, and then cause further division by misusing public institutions to intimidate ordinary Tasmanians without expecting a public outcry," Warrick Jordan said.

" The directors of Gunns Limited should take a long hard look at the safety of their own workers rather than supporting the spurious misuse of workplace safety laws. Robin Gray and colleagues are happy to weasel their way out of responsibility for the safety of their workers when they are pursued by Workplace Standards, yet expect Workplace Standards to do their bidding ," Warrick Jordan said. ( links to Gunns Workplace Safety investigations below)

"Late last year The Minister for Workplace Relations, Lisa Singh, stated that there should be no political interference in the legal operation of the Workplace Health and Safety Act . Ms Singh was responding to a call from Robin Gray to change legislation in Gunn's favour. We would hope to see that this position still stands," Warrick Jordan said.

" In 2006 Workplace Standards attempted to lay charges over a forest blockade in the Weld Valley, and a peaceful occupation of Forestry Tasmania's head office. The DPP found these charges to be without foundation. So why are we seeing a repeat performance in 2009?"
Warrick Jordan said.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Letter of complaint to Forestry Tasmania

To: Bob Gordon, Managing Director, Forestry Tasmania, 79 Melville St Hobart TAS 7000.


Dear Mr Gordon,

          I am writing on behalf of Still Wild Still Threatened, (SWST). On the 20th of January 2009, SWST sent a request to yourself, in your capacity as Managing Director of Forestry Tasmania, seeking information regarding FT's operations in the Upper Florentine Valley.


Given Forestry Tasmania's stated commitment to transparency and stakeholder consultation, we were dismayed that the response to this request, as relayed through the media, was a firm refusal to even consider the matter. Derwent District Forester Steve Whitely was quoted by media outlets as saying that FT does not provide information to community members who undertake “media stunts”, an apparent reference to the delivery of the request letter to Forestry Tasmania's Melville Street office.


In the intervening month, no communication has been received by Still Wild Still Threatened from Forestry Tasmania. Given this, we feel obliged to make a formal complaint regarding Forestry Tasmania’s conduct in this situation. Our organisation’s understanding is that FT has made a commitment to openness and transparency, and we feel that the response to date has been wholly unbefitting of a taxpayer funded enterprise mandated to manage Tasmania’s forest estate on behalf of the Tasmanian people.


Certain information requested has been used repeatedly by FT in support of its operations in the Upper Florentine, and we are confused as to why this information is being utilised to support public statements yet cannot be disclosed to the public in its entirety. This approach appears to be incompatible with FT’s responsibilities to the Tasmanian public, and to its previous commitments to open the “battered briefcase”.

We look forward to hearing from you on this matter.


Still Wild Still Threatened.

MEDIA RELEASE: Wednesday, 18th February 2009

Official Complaint to Forestry over refusal to provide Florentine information

Still Wild Still Threatened has lodged a formal complaint with Forestry Tasmania over its refusal to disclose information regarding logging in the Upper Florentine.

" Last month Still Wild Still Threatened, on behalf of interested sections of the Tasmanian community, requested information regarding logging in the World Heritage valued forests of the Upper Florentine. This included a request for maps supporting Forestry Tasmania's claim that 90% of the Upper Florentine is unavailable for harvesting, "Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ali Alishah said.

" Forestry Tasmania's response was to make media statements that they will not provide information to those who conduct "media stunts", an apparent reference to attempts by community members to deliver the request to Bob Gordon. No correspondence has been received by Still Wild Still Threatened," Ali Alishah said.

" As a taxpayer subsidised government enterprise mandated to manage Tasmania's forests for public benefit, Forestry Tasmania is obliged to provide information to the Tasmanian community. For Forestry Tasmania to make arbitrary judgements as to who should be provided with information reveals an arrogant disregard for community concern over the management of our forests," Ali Alishah said.

" If Bob Gordon is seriously interested in creating a more open and accountable organisation, he would be well placed to make Forestry Tasmania truly responsive to community concerns, rather than resorting to the out of date tactic of keeping the public in the dark," Ali Alishah said.

" Still Wild Still Threatened feels that the wholly inadequate response to this issue justifies a formal complaint, and we hope that the requested information will be provided to the Tasmanian public in the near future," Ali Alishah said.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Be my Florentine...

Big events this Friday 13th through Sunday 15th.

For all the details, follow this link:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tasmanian children speak out to save their ancient forests.

Media Alert - 6th February 2009

At midday today at Franklin Square, Tassie kids will be placing their hand-prints and a personal message to the Premier on a banner saying 'Ancient Forests For Our Future'.

"We are frustrated that us young people aren't being listened to. Destroying ancient forests will affect future generations, and the government doesn't seem to care about this. They only care about Gunns," said Hobart school girl Madeleine Irwin, 14 years.

"We will be getting as many young people as possible to place their hand-prints on this banner and write a message to the Premier, and we'll ask for a meeting to give it to him in person," Maddie said.

11 year old, Adam Irwin, Maddie's little brother, is donating one year's pocket money to the campaign to protect the Upper Florentine. " I'm also bottling Tassie spring water and sellng it to make money for the forests. My Dad says its a better business than Gunns at the moment," Adam said.

"David Bartlett seems like a nice guy but he obviously doesn't care about us or the environment. If he did care he would protect the old growth forests like the Upper Florentine," Maddie said.

"Environmental issues like old growth logging and climate change will make a very ugly future for us. Mr Bartlett and John Gay will probably be dead by the time climate change makes the lives of young people very difficult – don't they care about what will happen to their kids?," Maddie said.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Event THURSDAY 5/02 7:30pm

Film night extravaganza 7:30pm

Upstairs at Sirens Restaurant, Victoria St. Hobart

Lots of new and old short films from the Tassie forest campaign. Come along and help us get these magnificent forests protected.

Media Release - Wednesday 4th Feburary 2009



The 13 forest activists sued over December's climate change focused shutdown of  Gunns' Triabunna woodchip mill lodged their defence in the Launceston Supreme Court late yesterday afternoon.

The activists' defence is based on the legal right to communicate information about government and political matters.

"The peaceful action at the Triabunna woodchip mill was conducted in direct response to the federal government's climate change White Paper, and to the ongoing destruction of Tasmania's ancient forests – a political issue if ever there was one," Huon Valley Environment Centre spokesperson and Triabunna 13 defendant Warrick Jordan said.

The forest activists have also served a counterclaim on Gunns Limited and Calton Frame, which states that representations regarding the use of old growth logs in Gunns' proposed pulp mill are misleading and deceptive. The counterclaim seeks an order that Gunns Limited and Calton Frame be permanently restrained from representing that no wood from old growth forests and no old growth logs will be used in the pulp mill.

"Gunns have consistently claimed that their proposed Tamar Valley pulp mill will not use old growth logs. Our counterclaim states that Gunns have used misleading and deceptive representations, which constitutes a breach of Section 52 of the Trade Practices Act," Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson and Triabunna 13 defendant Ula Majewski said.

 "Gunns Limited have failed to show any accountability in regards to the public, the media, political process or Tasmania's natural environment. However, Gunns Limited and Calton Frame are certainly accountable to the courts" said Warrick Jordan.

 "Much of Gunns' efforts to raise finance for the proposed mill have relied heavily on its alleged environmental credentials as has its social license. The Tasmanian and Australian publics as well as potential investors deserve better than to be subjected to these kinds of deceptive and misleading representations" said Ula Majewski.


The 13 forest activists sued over December's climate change focused shutdown of  Gunns' Triabunna woodchip mill lodged their defense in the Launceston Supreme Court late yesterday afternoon.


The activists' defence is based on legislative rights to communicate information about government and political matters.


The forest activists have also served a counterclaim on Gunns Limited.


"Gunns have consistently claimed that their proposed Tamar Valley pulp mill will not use old growth logs. Our counterclaim states that Gunns have used misleading and deceptive representations, which constitutes a breach of Section 52 of the Trade Practices Act" Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson and Triabunna 13 defendant Ula Majewski said.


"Gunns Limited have failed to show any accountability in regards to the public, the media, political process or Tasmania's natural environment. However, they are accountable to the courts" said Huon Valley Environment spokesperson and Triabunna 13 defendant Warrick Jordan.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Media Release - Saturday 31st January 2009



Over 550 Tasmanians rallied for the protection of the old growth forests of the Upper Florentine valley today. Speakers included campaigner and author, Geoff Law, Tasmanians Against the Pulp Mill representative, Bob McMahon, Derwent Valley local, Inger Visby, and Still Wild Still Threatened's Ula Majewski.


"Forest defenders from the community have been tirelessly striving to protect the heritage and future of Tasmania for the weeks following the disassembly of Camp Florentine. Five new structures halting the progression of the new road have been erected in the past week. Today the greater community has once again come out in force to protect these vitally important old growth and high conservation value forests," said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ali Alishah.


The community walked the length of the incomplete road that opens up the pristine forests of the Upper Florentine valley where Forestry Tasmania have commenced 4 kilometers of roading operations of which just over 2 kilometers of dirt roading and approximately 850 meters of graveling have been completed.


The community called upon the Premier of Tasmania, David Bartlett, to heed the wishes of Tasmanians and protect these virgin forests. "Today the message from Tasmanians to their Premier is clear; The Upper Florentine needs to be protected in its entirety and granted World Heritage status. Tasmania will not stand by and watch the mismanagement and squandering of their natural heritage for the benefit of Gunns Limited," said Mr Alishah.