Monday, November 2, 2009


Expensive polling and cheap spin doctoring used to justify ancient forest logging.

Still Wild Still Threatened has today accused Forestry Tasmania of push polling and lodged a complaint to the Market Research Society of Australia over alleged breaches in their Code of Professional Conduct.

The EMRS poll for Forestry Tasmania released earlier this week told respondents that an 'anti-forestry' group had carried out a 'coordinated attack' on major public buildings around the world.

Ed Hill of SWST said that this term is blatantly false and designed to achieve a negative result. Follow this link to the Still Wild Still Threatened website to view images of the so called "attack"

He said the peaceful protests that had been carried out internationally by Still Wild Still Threatened could not be described as a coordinated attack on public buildings - a term which brings to mind images of September 11th. Forestry Tasmania is using distorted language to link forest protesters with terrorism, said Mr Hill.

"This is not only blatantly inaccurate and defamatory. It also cynically exploits public disgust with terrorism for Forestry Tasmania's benefit."

The use of the term attack on public buildings is a breach of the Code of Professional Conduct for Market Research, said Mr Hill. The Code states that the researcher must not make misleading and inaccurate statements in order to secure Respondents co-operation. This is clearly what has happened in this case as the researcher has inaccurately and misleadingly described the protest to respondents deliberately securing their negative response. Forestry Tasmania has resorted to expensive push polling, paid for with public money and cheap spin doctoring, to justify ancient forest logging. Said Mr Hill.

Mr Hill said that SWST had also written to EMRS to objecting to the terminology and to seek a public apology.

TCA Smear Campaign uses Bogus Photos, Ill-gotten Car

Still Wild Still Threatened were appalled at the desperate smear campaign mounted by Timber Communities yesterday on Parliament Lawns. The bogus photos of Camp Florentine mid-dismantling mislead the public and make a mockery of TCA's credibility.

After conservationists were forcibly evicted from Camp Florentine by Forestry Tasmania and Tasmania Police, dismantling of the protest camp began and all personal belongings, tools, and other camping equipment were returned to the rightful owners and the demolished building materials and infrastructure was all properly disposed of.

“The stunt on Parliament Lawns yesterday was a desperate attempt by Timber Communities Australia to take the focus off the disaster that is clearfell logging and recent job losses in the woodchipping industry due to the market downturn,” says Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson, Natalie Keene.

“Still Wild Still Threatened asks how Forestry Tasmania, an arm of the Government, can give Timber Communities Australia, a lobby group, a crushed car removed from a protest site as propaganda to mislead and distract the public,” says Ms Keene.

“Clearfelling, and its spin-off practice aggregated retention, are draconian, third-world practices and woodchipping is an economically unviable industry laying waste to our ancient forests. Industrial scale logging and woodchipping has created a mess our of our pristine forests and the devastation of a clearfell is undeniable and irrevocable” says Ms Keene.

In late 2008 inspectors from the Derwent Valley Council investigated the OH&S of the protest site , approving the safety of all temporary dwellings and hygiene employed by the campers.

Camp Florentine is celebrating 3 years of standing up for the ancient forests of the Upper Florentine this week and a family picnic day will be held in the forest this Sunday, all are welcome.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Styx Cable Logging

Let the images speak for themselves. Each image is clickable.

Styx Cable Logging

Logging operations were stopped for the day in old growth forest in the Styx Valley while 40 conservationists in Hobart CBD marked out the shape of the 72 hectare Styx Valley logging coupe.

"It took over two hours for 40 people to mark the giant area that is getting clearfelled in the Styx Valley right now. This massive coupe represents just one of 290 native forest logging coupes on public land that Premier Bartlett will decimate this financial year." spokesperson Ed Hill said.

Follow this link to view the superimposed map.

"This logging site in the Styx Valley doesn't look much different to illegal logging sites in Indonesia, the difference being that logging of rainforest in Tasmania is legal." Mr Hill said.

"Tasmania should be world leader in sustainable forestry; instead Premier Bartlett is clearfell cable logging huge swathes of old growth forest right to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area boundary."

"As the logging industry faces major cut backs and stagnant markets it is obvious there is necessity for re-invention. Cable logging is out dated, highly destructive, and clearly not the sustainable direction the industry needs to be heading.” Said Mr Hill.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Police question credibility of FT staff

Charges of assault and public nuisance against forest protestors in the Upper Florentine have been dropped in Hobart magistrate’s court today. Natalie Keene, 31 of Hobart, Ali Alishah, 25 of Hobart and Lee Sargent 29 of Kaoota had charges of assault and public nuisance dropped and Lauren Platzer, 23 of Kaoota, had her public nuisance charge dropped.

Principal legal officer Mark Miller made a statement in court that questioned the credibility of Forestry Tasmania employees involved in the incident as they used their cars to block a road preventing peaceful protesters from leaving the area. Mr Miller also made it clear that no peaceful protester was committing a nuisance or assault as Forestry Tasmania staff claimed.

"Once again we're seeing Forestry Tasmania leading the police down the garden path to once again make wrongful arrests of peaceful forest defenders. Premier Bartlett must resolve this issue and engage with forest campaigners rather than leaving it up to Tasmania police who have repeatedly had to drop charges due to FT’s incompetence and misleading claims that have led to dozens of wrongful arrests.

Forestry Tasmania is a government enterprise out of control; Premier Bartlett must pull them into line and resolve the continual cycle of his police force being misled and making wrongful arrests." Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

"This situation exemplifies Forestry Tasmania's approach to dealing with the public, lie, intimidate and misuse the law. Premier Bartlett must insist FT change the way they do business and resolve the ongoing conflict by giving ancient forests the protection the deserve whilst ensuring a sustainable future for the timber industry by making use of existing plantations." Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

"When this incident occurred in May this year Still Wild Still Threatened consistently stated that these charges were blatantly wrongful and would be thrown out in court. Peaceful forest defenders have been presumed guilty until proven innocent when they've been innocent all along. FT and the State government have vilified forest defenders for their supposed illegal actions and once again they've been found to be legal. Premier Bartlett needs to recognise community concern over the destruction of the Upper Florentine rather than accepting the advice of incompetent and untruthful employees of FT." Said Mr Hill.

"Mr Miller's comments about this incident make it clear that FT staff were the only people committing a nuisance by illegally detaining forest protesters using a government vehicle to block an access road. Still Wild Still Threatened is currently seeking legal advice over the potential for police to charge FT staff with public nuisance." Said Mr Hill.

"Today's decision by the police to not proceed with the charges vindicates the right of our community to peacefully stand up for Tasmania's ancient forests." Concluded Mr. Hill.


Accusations of assaulting Forestry Tasmania staff unfounded

Tasmania police are today dropping assault and public nuisance charges against four conservationists, arrested in the Upper Florentine last May. Principal legal officer for the police, Mr Mark Miller, will make a statement on the reasons for discontinuing the prosecution against defendants Alishah, Keene, Platzer and Sargent in the Hobart Magistrates Court today at 11.30am in Court No. 4.

“Protests in the Upper Florentine have always been peaceful. Still Wild Still Threatened is committed to peaceful protest and despite Forestry Tasmania’s attempts to discredit the environment movement by making unfounded accusations of violence, we will continue to stand up and peacefully protest against the brutal violence that is logging of ancient forests.” Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

“The forest defenders whose charges have been dropped have constantly maintained their innocence and today Tasmania police will confirm this. Forestry Tasmania needs to stop leading Tasmania police down the garden path and stop using their politically driven influence that leads police to make wrongful arrests.” Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

On Monday, prosecutions against another 16 Florentine protesters were adjourned so that the police could seek advice from the Crown Law office and DPP regarding Forestry Tasmania's claim that another exclusion zone had been found.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Over 90 wrongful trespass charges

Conservation group Still Wild Still Threatened have today revealed that the Camp Florentine protest camp has never been in an exclusion zone. The protest has maintained a constant presence in the area since 2006. Forestry Tasmania has consistently stated that the camp is illegal and is situated in an exclusion zone.

Surveyor’s maps of the area clearly show that the protest site and all associated tree sits and other sites of protest activity fall outside the exclusion zone.

Last week it was revealed that Forestry Tasmania had bungled the mapping of the exclusion zone meaning a large area where the majority of protest has occurred in the last three years is outside the exclusion zone. The first arrests occurred in February, 2007 and since then Still Wild Still Threatened estimates that there has been over 90 charges of trespass laid against community members. In light of the exclusion zone being mapped incorrectly all of these people may now appeal against their conviction. "Forestry Tasmania’s incompetence and the inaccurate information they gave police means that the protest site is not in the exclusion zone and not a
single trespass charge against peaceful protesters has ever been legitimate."Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

"Forestry Tasmania’s staggering bungle raises serious doubts about their ability to manage our state’s forests and highlights their lack of accountability as they blindly led police and the State Government to believe that protests in the area were illegal." Said Mr.Hill. "A massive police operation that lasted the entire month of May drained police resources and tied up the force across the state, just to facilitate Forestry Tasmania’s decimation of ancient forest. Tasmania police acted as the public escorts for Forestry Tasmania and blindly followed their directions about where the exclusion zone begins. Tasmania police should have verified the location of the exclusion rather than accepting Forestry Tasmania’s inaccurate information and making wrongful arrests." Said Mr.Hill.

"The State Government has vilified forest protesters for their supposed illegal actions when in fact they’ve been legal all along. Premier Bartlett should apologise to concerned members of the public who have stood up for Tasmania’s forests and wrongfully been arrested and charged, due to the incompetency of the State owned business enterprise Forestry Tasmania." Said
Ed Hill.


Over 90 former defendants to be contacted

Conservationists convicted of trespass in the Upper Florentine valley will be contacted and urged to appeal against their convictions, according to Still Wild Still Threatened.

The organisation that spearheaded protests in the old growth forests of the Upper Florentine said that more than 90 charges of trespass have been laid and gone before the courts since February 2007. Still Wild Still Threatened will put a call out via the internet sites Facebook and Myspace, as well as email contact lists, to the 90 plus people arrested in the Upper Florentine for trespass, including many international visitors, urging them to get legal advice to appeal against their convictions.

This follows the revelation that Forestry Tasmania bungled the exclusion zone boundary and gave wrong information to the police, resulting in the trespass charge against Derwent Valley grandmother Lynda Blyth being dropped. The police have also communicated that trespass charges against others accused of trespass would also be dropped if they fall into the same category as that of Ms Blyth, who was arrested over 200 metres from the exclusion zone.

"Dozens of people have stood up to the Government, Forestry Tasmania and the logging industry to defend the ancient forests of the Upper Florentine and they have been wrongly accused of breaking the law," said Natalie Keene, Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson. “Many have been wrongfully convicted because the police blindly accepted the word of Forestry Tasmania."

"Those wrongly convicted should have legal and other costs incurred through their arrests and trials reimbursed by Forestry Tasmania," Ms Keene said.

The Upper Florentine exclusion zone has been in place off and on according to the bungled boundaries since April 2006. Since then, there have been a constant community presence and numerous protests resulting in over 90 charges of trespass.

"Forestry Tasmania should apologise to all the members of our community they have wrongly accused of breaking the law," said Ms Keene. "We demand that the Tasmanian Government put in place a more effective watchdog for Forestry Tasmania, whose incompetence continues to be exposed." Ms Keene said.

"Premier Bartlett has egg on his face because he blindly accepted Forestry Tasmania's claims that people were breaking the law. We hope this development will encourage him to be less gullible - and more clever - in his approach to the forest issue." said Ms Keene.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Conservationists who were assaulted by logging contractors in the Upper Florentine valley last October will appear as witnesses today in Hobart Magistrates court. Miranda Gibson, 28, of Hobart and Nishant Datt, 23 of Lucaston were assaulted by logging contractors at a protest against logging of a contentious old growth area. The incident was captured on camera and images made headlines across the nation.

“"Whatever the verdict is today, it will not resolve the on-going conflict over Tasmania's forests. What we really need is for the State Government and Gunns to take responsibility for healing the divide in the Tasmanian community. We need a solution that adequately protects high conservation value forests while also addressing the needs of logging communities by providing a genuine sustainable forest industry." Said Miranda Gibson.

“Direct action protests are last ditch efforts to stop the decimation of ancient forests; after all other campaign avenues have been exhausted. The State Government has the capacity to solve the conflict over old growth logging by making use of existing plantations; however they continue to divide our community, and liquidate what remains of unprotected ancient forests.” Said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ed Hill.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Counterclaim against Gunns heard

Media Release 11:30am 23 July 2009

Case Continues as Triabunna Forest Activists Sue Gunns Over Pulp Mill Claims

Eleven forest activists sued for their part in December’s climate change protest action at Gunns’ Triabunna woodchip mill today took the first step in pursuing a separate claim against Gunns for misleading the public over claims no old growth forests or logs will be used in its proposed Tamar pulp mill.

At a hearing this morning it was confirmed that Gunns are now the defendants in the case, after a June decision by Justice David Porter to separate the claim Gunns’ damages claim over the Triabunna protest and the claim by activists regarding the pulp mill.

“ Gunns Limited have been attempting some fancy footwork to obscure the fact that no one is interested in investing in their old fashioned, filthy, native forest consuming pulp mill,” said Huon Valley Environment Centre spokesperson Warrick Jordan.

“ Gunns' claims that no old growth forests or logs will be used in the pulp mill is another plank in their dubious PR strategy to convince investors and the Tasmanian public that the mill will be environmentally friendly,” Warrick Jordan said.

“Any claims that the Bell Bay mill will be environmentally friendly are a load of rubbish. As well as concerns regarding air and water pollution from the mill, it will consume one million tonnes of native forest for the first 2 decades of operation, including high conservation value forests. Gunns' has also not proved that it will not use old growth forests in the mill,” Warrick Jordan said.

“ We firmly believe Gunns have a case to answer, and look forward to seeing them in court as the case progresses,” Warrick Jordan said.

Background: Forest activists are suing Gunns for misleading and deceiving the public over claims that no old growth forests and no old growth logs will be used in its proposed Tamar Valley pulp mill. Activists believe this deception is a breach of Sections 51 and 52 of the Trade Practices Act.

The defendant's counterclaim is based on Gunns' public statements that no ' old growth forests' and no 'old growth logs' will be used in its proposed pulp mill. The defendants are claiming that under sections 52 and 51a of the Trade Practices Act Gunns is engaging in 'deceptive and misleading' conduct. The defendants are seeking an injunction to prevent Gunns from making future statements of the same nature.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Forestry Tasmania Claims are Wrong



Still Wild Still Threatened are today calling on Premier Bartlett and Minister David Llewellyn, to instruct Forestry Tasmania to correct the public record and precisely state the extent of planned logging in tall eucalypt forests of the Upper Florentine.

Letters to the Premier and minister’s offices were sent yesterday requesting clarification of data on the Land Information System Tasmania (LIST) website that shows the area available for harvesting in the Upper Florentine is almost double what Forestry Tasmania claim.

“The release of maps and data, compiled from information on the LIST website, has proved clearly that the protected area of the Upper Florentine is significantly smaller than Forestry Tasmania claim it is. The data also shows that 53% of tall eucalypt forest is available for logging and 56% of old growth tall eucalypt forest is available for logging.” Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

“Forestry Tasmania is still denying the facts, that over half the tall forest in the catchment is readily available for wholesale destruction, and that large areas of land within the catchment are protected solely to boost protected land percentages as they are non forest of no commercial value to Forestry Tasmania.”

“Forestry Tasmania has confirmed that the data we are using from the LIST is the same data they are using, why then are they still sticking by their figure of 90%, when our data shows this is clearly not the case”

“The State government must instruct Forestry Tasmania to correct the public record and inform the public of the extent of their logging plans for this ancient wilderness forest.
Elected representatives have a responsibility to verify, with the appropriate maps and data from the L.I.S.T website, Forestry Tasmania’s claims.”

“If the figures that we have compiled from the data are correct as we believe, we request that the State Government corrects Forestry Tasmania’s figures.”

“Data we’ve compiled shows that only 5ha or 20 percent of the Eucalyptus regnans forest within the catchment is protected.
Eucalyptus regnans are the tallest flowering hardwood trees on the planet and a recent study undertaken by the ANU and published in the US journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has found that these trees are the best in the world at storing carbon.”

“Logging rotations of 30-80 years will never allow Eucalypts that were 400 years at the time of logging, to fully recover and store carbon to the levels it was prior to logging”

“This data and report show how Forestry Tasmania really values our carbon rich old growth forests, as nothing more than a barrier that stands in the way of their desire to establish plantation like regeneration forest.”

“Forestry Tasmania says that extra areas of forest will be protected as significant sites worthy of protection like karst formations, caves, giant trees and endangered species such as wedge tailed eagles are identified.”

“It is well known that the Upper Florentine valley is riddled with special features such as these, and it highlights Forestry Tasmania’s complete disregard for these features as they have done no ground surveying of the area for special values and intend to survey as they log the area.”

“One has to wonder why Forestry Tasmania wants to log an area with so many special features, and how many of these special features will they fail to see before the bulldozers destroy them.” Concluded Mr. Hill.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Forestry Tasmania called to account for misleading claims on Florentine Valley

Community group Still Wild Still Threatened (SWST) today released new data showing that Forestry Tasmania’s claim that 90% of the Upper Florentine catchment is “protected or otherwise unavailable for logging” is misleading.

50 people gathered at Forestry Tasmania headquarters to hear forest campaigners present new information disputing Forestry’s claims of protected land in the Upper Florentine.

Data compiled by forest campaigners from the Land Information System Tasmania reveal that 53% of the catchment’s commercially desirable tall wet eucalypt forests are still available for logging.

“Forestry Tasmania, the state government, federal MPs and even Prime Minister Kevin Rudd have all claimed that 90% of the Upper Florentine catchment is ‘protected or otherwise unavailable for logging’”, said SWST spokesperson Ed Hill.

“But to date – even despite repeated requests by the Derwent Valley community, a complaint to the Ombudsman and requests under Freedom of Information by a journalist from the Australian newspaper - Forestry has refused to provide any data or maps that verify its claims,” said Mr Hill.

“Now, maps and data compiled by forest campaigners shows that the area of the Upper Florentine catchment that is available for logging is nearly double what Forestry Tasmania has claimed.”

“What’s worse, 53% of tall wet eucalypt forest – the forest type that Forestry most wants to log - remains available for logging,” said Mr Hill. “56% of old growth tall eucalypt forest is available for logging”.

“Tasmania is world-renowned for its tall trees. But 80% of the Upper Florentine’s Eucalyptus regnans old growth forest, the tallest flowering plant species on the planet, is unprotected from logging.”

“If Forestry Tasmania is as transparent as they claim to be they would have released this data to the public. Instead they have left it up to volunteer forest campaigners to sift through data to see if Forestry’s claims are correct.”

“Forestry Tasmania has deliberately not released this data as it contradicts their claims that 90% of the catchment is unavailable for harvesting.”

“If logging in the Upper Florentine is sustainable and ecologically sensitive as Forestry claim, why do they make false and misleading claims to justify their operations?”

“Old growth and tall eucalypt forests not only have important biodiversity values, but are recognised as key carbon sinks. If we are to avoid dangerous climate change, we need to leave these big trees standing”, said Mr Hill.

Long time conservationist Geoff Law said that Forestry Tasmania’s logging plans would destroy the integrity of the entire Upper Florentine valley.

“The Upper Florentine valley will be gutted by Forestry Tasmania’s plans to destroy over 1,000 and as much as 2,000 hectares of old growth forest,” said Mr Law.

Vast Majority of Timber from the Upper Florentine Chipped

Conservationists from Still Wild Still Threatened are disputing Forestry Tasmania's claims that recently logged forest in the Upper Florentine was not harvested for wood chips.

"Forestry Tasmania claim that saw logs and veneer logs comprised 35% of timber harvested, however they have provided no documents to prove this. The fact remains that the vast majority of timber harvested in the area was wood chipped and exported." Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

"If Forestry Tasmania wants to increase their saw log yield they should stop sending saw logs to the wood chip mills. If you drive from Hobart to Triabunna you will overtake dozens of log trucks on their way to the wood chip mill, many carrying perfectly good saw logs." Said Mr.Hill

"The ancient forests of the Upper Florentine contain few good saw logs as most of the trees are old and hollow, that’s precisely why Forestry Tasmania wants to log the area, to rid it of ancient low grade trees and replace them with a young eucalypt forest resembling a plantation." Said Mr Hill.

“Many special species rainforest trees have been removed from the area and chipped. Species such as Celery Top Pine, Myrtle and Sassafras take centuries to reach harvestable size; current logging practices are wasting this unique resource. Future logging rotations in the area will never allow special species timber to reach productive ages.” Said Mr Hill.

"Forestry Tasmania has continually made claims about the Upper Florentine with no evidence or documents to back them up. If Forestry Tasmania is entering into a "new era of transparency" as they claim, then they need to start providing the public with maps and documents that prove their claims." Said Mr.Hill.

"If logging operations in the Upper Florentine were sustainable and sensitive to the ecological needs of the area then why do Forestry Tasmania constantly come up with outrageous and unsupported claims to prop up the environmentally criminal act, logging of old growth forest."

"Forestry Tasmania's supposed facts and figures are nothing more than smoke and mirrors to distract the public from the fact that they are logging old growth rainforests that in the 21st century in a first world country, should not be logged." Concluded Mr Hill.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Writ Regarding Old Growth in Pulp Mill Accepted, Seperated

Ruling On Triabunna 13 Strike Out Application

Justice David Porter this afternoon ruled that sections of the defence employed by the Triabunna 13 defendants are admissable in future proceedings. Justice Porter also ruled that the defendants have 14 days to provide further detail regarding the defence that immunity from sections of the writ should exist as the peaceful direct action conducted at the Triabunna woodchip mill was conducted in order to communicate on 'government and political' matters.

The counterclaim brought by the Triabunna 13 defendants, concerning Gunns' public statements that no ' old growth forests' and no 'old growth logs' will be used in its proposed pulp mill, was accepted as admissable, with this claim split off into seperate proceedings.

Gunns' repeated requests for costs to be awarded were ignored, with any costs rulings deferred to the conclusion of proceedings.

“ The Triabunna 13 defendants are pleased with today's decision, and will continue to fight Gunns' efforts to pursue responsible citizens who are standing up for Tasmania's forests and the planet's future. We are confident alterations to our defence, based on the right to freely communicate on political matters, can be made to the court's satisfaction,” Huon Valley Environment Centre spokesperson Warrick Jordan said.

“ The Triabunna 13 are particularly happy with the continuation of the claim against Gunns limited regarding their misleading statements that no old growth forests or logs will be used in their proposed pulp mill. We have grave concerns that old growth trees from our iconic southern forests, such as the Weld and Upper Florentine, will be used to supply the pulp mill, and that Gunns', and others in the forestry industry, are misleading the public, and potential investors,” Warrick Jordan said.

“ After the climate change action at Triabunna earlier this month, Gunns ruled out pursuing activists through civil claims,” said Huon Valley Environment Centre spokesperson Warrick Jordan.

“Gunns have obviously realised that such legal actions are bad for the company's image, and that they are useless, as activists will not be intimidated from taking strong, peaceful action in defense of ancient forests and the planet's future. We are surprised that Gunns' are continuing with what is shaping up as another long running and embarrassing court battle,” Warrick Jordan said.

Decision On Triabunna 13 Strike Out Application Today

Media Alert - Thursday, 11th June 2009

13 forest activists sued over the December 2008 climate change action at Gunns’ Triabunna
woodchip mill.

Justice David Porter ruling on Gunns' application to strike out counterclaim and defense.
The original hearing was on the 25.02.2009.

Where: Supreme Court, Salamanca Place, 2.15pm.

The Triabunna 13's defense is based on a right to communicate on government and political matters. Gunns' are suing partly as the action was undertaken to 'publicise the political beliefs' of the defendents. Gunns are seeking damages, punitive damages, and injunctions to prevent further actions. The defendant's counterclaim is based on Gunns' public statements that no ' old growth forests'
and no 'old growth logs' will be used in its proposed pulp mill. The defendants are claiming that under sections 52 and 51a of the Trade Practices Act Gunns is engaging in 'deceptive and
misleading' conduct. The defendants are seeking an injunction to prevent Gunns from making future statements of the same nature.

“After the climate change action at Triabunna earlier this month, Gunns ruled out pursuing activists through civil claims,” said Huon Valley Environment Centre spokesperson Warrick Jordan. “Gunns have obviously realised that such legal actions are bad for the company's image, and that they are useless, as activists will not be intimidated from taking strong, peaceful action in defense of ancient forests and the planet's future,” Warrick Jordan said.

“I imagine that Gunns' are currently re-assessing the wisdom of targeting committed, peaceful,responsible citizens who will not be dissuaded from defending the environment, and who are willing to engage in court if necessary,” Warrick Jordan said.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two Arrests as Old Growth Logging Stops

Two people who chained themselves to logging machinery this morning in the Upper Florentine have been arrested. Logging in the coupe was halted for about 3 hours this morning as conservationists penetrated a security cage that logging machinery is parked in nightly.  

The man and the woman chained themselves to harvesting equipment in the early hours of this morning. They have been charged with trespass and will appear in Hobart Magistrates Court at a latter date. Nearly 80 people have been arrested in the Upper Florentine this year.

“Despite the extremely heavy police and security presence in the Upper Florentine, peaceful protesters will continue to stand up for Tasmania’s ancient forests. Work will continue to be stopped and people will continue to be arrested. Soon we will see the 100th arrest in the Upper Florentine for just this year. There have been dozens of people getting arrested for the first time. People from all walks of life have been getting arrested, from a 17 year old man from Hobart to a 70 year old from Westerway, a town nearby the contentious forest. The large number of arrests in the area proves that there is a huge amount of community outrage over the logging of the Upper Florentine and people are willing to get arrested to make their point.” Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

“Many people who have been arrested are Derwent valley locals who have campaigned for years to protect the Upper Florentine, David Bartlett will not even give those locals ten minutes of his time to listen to their concerns. When the Premier blatantly disregards the concerns of his constituents, it is no surprise that they resort to peaceful civil disobedience.”

“The heavy Police presence in the forest is draining police force’s resources just so Forestry Tasmania can decimate an ancient forest and Gunns can make a tidy woodchip profit. Protests will continue until this government ends old growth logging; this would help solve the problem of an overstretched, under-resourced police force.”

“It is irresponsible of David Bartlett to prioritize the protection of woodchip profits and old growth logging over police's actual role of keeping Tasmania safe. If the police are so over stretched as a result of logging in the Upper Florentine all David Bartlett needs to do is stop the logging, the protests will stop and police can go back to doing their jobs.”  Said spokesperson Ed Hill

“If the Police Association is concerned about overstretching of resources, they should lobby the government to stop logging the area due to the overwhelming public outcry and protest.”

“Only one person is responsible for over stretching police resources: David Bartlett, with his insistence on wholesale destruction of our world heritage valued forests.” Said Ed Hill.

“This issue is so contentious, The Bartlett government knew very well that there would be large and prolonged protests in the area, if they had concerns over how this would effect police resources, they should have reconsidered logging the area in the first place.”

“David Bartlett is happy to funnel as much taxpayer money as it takes into this operation to see that this old growth forest is obliterated forever.”  Concluded Ed Hill.

Logging Halted in Upper Florentine

A man and a woman have force logging operations to halt this morning when the conservationists chained themselves to logging machinery. The protester scaled the walls of a locked cage that logging machinery is parked in nightly and attached themselves to harvesting equipment. Police search and rescue have attended the logging coupe daily since operations began on May 4 and are expected to remove to protesters shortly.

Logging operations entered their fourth week as Forestry Tasmania used dynamite to blow up ancient trees deemed to dangerous to cut.

"In just 27 days over 25 ha of this pristine old growth forest has already been liquidated for woodchips. The speed of this operation is unprecedented and highlights the government's eagerness to get it done quickly as it is clearly unpopular amongst constituents." Said spokesperson Ed Hill

"The actions today have temporarily stopped logging of trees that were seedlings when Abel Tasman first set foot in Tasmania in 1642. Later today these same trees will be on their way to the wood chip mill and eventually exported to Asia. This is reckless and irresponsible management of Tasmania's heritage and it is shameful to think that we are continuing down this self destructive path well into the 21st century."  Said Mr.Hill

"Until logging of the Upper Florentine ceases, the community will continue peaceful stop work actions. The community has had enough of the Bartlett government's spineless approach to this issue." Mr Hill said

"The Bartlett government has continually ignored opportunities for constructive dialogue with conservation groups to come to a solution to this decades long dispute. Premier Bartlett needs acknowledge that the old growth logging debate is one of the most serious issues for this state. The Premier must show leadership and engage with conservation groups rather than taking the "ignore it and it will go away" approach." Said Mr Hill.

"The Tasmanian government is making a mockery of the federal government’s commitment to help end logging of rainforest in developing countries, by logging old growth rainforest in their own back yards."

"Peter Garrett and Kevin Rudd need to step in and stop the senseless destruction of Australian rainforest." Concluded Mr Hill.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Three activists arrested at Triabunna Climate Action

Three activists have been arrested after this mornings climate change action at Gunns Limiteds Triabunna woodchip mill. Two were removed from a woodchip conveyor belt at around 9am, and have been charged with trespass. A third activist was arrested outside of Gunns property on a warrant issued regarding a recent forest action in the Upper Florentine. All three activists have been bailed. The remainder of activists were ordered to remove themselves from the area for a period of 24 hours.

Two activists have also been arrested for trespass at the Geelong woodchip export facility.

Despite forest activists not targeting unloading machinery, Gunns closed the entire mill site, denying entry to log truck drivers, for around two hours, before subsequently allowing log trucks to enter the site and begin unloading. Around an hour later two activists were removed from the woodchip conveyor belt, said Huon Valley Environment Centre Spokesperson Warrick Jordan.

Indications are that Gunns may pursue legal action for this peaceful action. While peaceful activists are targeted for highlighting the destruction of ancient forest, Gunns is allowed to pollute the atmosphere with impunity. Gunns aims to protect its profits while activists are sued for protecting the future, Warrick Jordan said.

The exclusion of native forest logging emissions from the national carbon accounts must end, as must the destruction of old growth forest. Climate change is too serious for the Rudd and Bartlett Governments to bury their heads in the sand and ignore the massive emissions generated by the logging of old growth forests, Warrick Jordan said.

To say that forestry is Australias only carbon positive industry is disingenuous without proper measurement of native forest emissions the forestry industry has no grounds for making this statement. They are plucking it out of thin air, Warrick Jordan said.

Triabunna Woodchil mill shut down in National Climate Action

Media Release Monday 25.05.2009

10 forest and climate change activists have shutdown woodchipping operations at Gunns Limited’s Triabunna mill. Two activists are attached to a conveyor belt, with banners reading “No Climate Protection without Forest Protection” and “Gunns – Climate Criminals”.

Activists have deliberately avoided obstructing log un-loading machinery to avoid impacting forest contractors.

Similar actions are being staged at woodchip facilities in Geelong, Victoria and Eden and Newcastle, NSW.

“Seeking to address climate change without ending the industrial woodchipping of native forests is delusional, stupid, and criminal. How can Australia ask nations such as Indonesia and Papua New Guinea to reduce forestry emissions while we continue destroying some of the world’s richest carbon stores? ” said Huon Valley Environment Centre spokesperson Warrick Jordan.

“The logging of native forest is Tasmania’s carbon elephant in the room. The Bartlett Government, Forestry Tasmania and Gunns claim that forestry is Australia’s only carbon positive industry. This conveniently ignores the fact that under official Kyoto rules, no emissions from native forest are counted. Tasmania deserves a climate policy that is based on more than the Premier’s current ‘if I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist’ policy,” Warrick Jordan said.

If the Rudd and Bartlett Governments are serious about addressing the climate crisis, then the protection of our carbon-rich old growth forests should be the most basic part of a climate change policy,” Warrick Jordan said.

“Last week, the world’s first climate change-induced evacuation of an entire people began in PNG’s Carteret Islands. The board members of Gunns, and those others responsible for the continued destruction of Tasmania’s forests, should take a long look at their children and grandchildren and decide whether they feel comfortable condemning them to a future dramatically impacted by climate change,” Warrick Jordan said.

“Gunns will likely legally pursue activists for undertaking this necessary, peaceful action. In reality, however, Gunns are the real criminals. Robin Gray and his cohorts will not be around to see the worst of a climate impacted future, but our generation will.  Gunns can throw around as many lawsuits as they want, but they will not dissuade ordinary people from taking peaceful action in defence of Tasmania’s ancient, carbon-rich forests,” Warrick Jordan said.

“Today’s action has avoided obstructing machinery designed to unload logs delivered by logging contractors,” Warrick Jordan said.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Two arrests in Environment Minister Meeting

Two conservationists have been arrested today at a protest at the national meeting of environment ministers in Hobart. 

The two activists, dressed as possums, climbed flag poles outside the main entrance of Wrest Point and displayed a banner reading “FOR DEVIL’S SAKE, BIN THE RFA GARRETT.”

“One the same day that the Tasmanian devil has been added to the endangered species list, endangered species habitat in the Upper Florentine is being liquidated for wood chips. The Tasmanian Devil and Wedge Tailed Eagle are protected under the federal Environment Protection Biodiversity and Conservation act, however the Regional Forest Agreement is exempt and allows for destruction of their habitat.” Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

“Peter Garret must intervene to up hold the EPBC and end the extinction experiment that the RFA is responsible for.”

“David Bartlett is making a mockery of the EPBC by allowing wholesale destruction of Endangered Species habitat in the irreplaceable old growth forest of Tasmania.”

“If the federal government were serious about endangered species protection they would immediately put a stop to logging in endangered species habitat.” Concluded Mr Hill.

Endangered species protest and Environment ministers meeting

Conservationists from Still Wild Still Threatened are protesting at the national meeting of environment ministers at Wrest point today.

Protesters are staging a performance called the Endangered Species Banquet. Two protesters in a double headed fat man suit are devouring a Tasmanian devil served up by a representative of the Forest Industry. 

Two protesters dressed as possums have climbed two flag poles outside the main entrance and are displaying the banner "For Devil's sake, bin the RFA Garrett"

“The forests of the Upper Florentine are refuges for endangered species such as the Tasmanian Devil and Wedge Tailed Eagle. There is federal legislation that protects these animals in the form of the Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation act; however the Regional Forest Agreement is exempt. Peter Garrett must intervene to protect Tasmania’s old growth forests and up hold the EPBC act which the Tasmanian Government and the RFA is making a mockery of” said spokesperson Ed Hill.

"We want to send a clear message to Peter Garret that he must put an end to David Bartlett's extinction experiment in our old growth forests. We encourage Peter Garrett to bring in a container deposit policy, but we strongly urge him to bin the RFA for the sake of our unique threatened fauna.' Said Mr Hill

"Everyday in Tasmania we are loosing irreplaceable endangered species habitat, we have reached crisis point for certain species such as the swift parrot. Time and time again the State Government has abandoned endangered species and doomed them to extinction. It is widely accepted that the Swift Parrott is nearly extinct and the Bartlett Government is facilitating this by allowing logging of its habitat. This is not good enough for a species on the brink of extinction that is protected by federal legislation."

“A Senate inquiry into the RFA will soon reveal the truth about this utterly flawed process, which provides no protection to endangered species” said Mr Hill.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

MEDIA UPDATE 20/5/09 10:00am

Photo Copyright : Matthew Newton

Police have arrested four people this morning at a blockade of Gordon River Rd. A woman dressed as a giant black cockatoo was removed from an 8 meter high tripod by police who cut down the legs of the structure piece by piece. A woman who remained in the area as an observer was arrested in the forest surrounding the blockade. Police have arrested another female conservationist who they believe is in breach of bail and have warned that warrants for committing a nuisance will be issued to five others who were in the area.

Police searched cars that were leaving the protest confiscating cameras, video equipment and mobile phones. Three 48 hour "move on" orders have been issued in the last 24 hours, temporarily removing individual conservationists from the area of public land.

"The massive police operation we've seen this month to protect the old growth logging industry is a waste of the state's time and money as is the wood chipping of our world heritage valued forests. David Bartlett must act in the public interest and protect the ancient forests of the Upper Florentine rather than drain police resources to uphold the archaic wood chipping agenda of climate criminals Gunns Limited." Said spokesperson Ed Hill.

The road has now re-opened and logging of the old growth forest continues. Protests are expected to continue throughout the week.

Black Cockatoo stops Logging Destruction

Photo copyright: Matthew Newton

Twenty conservationists have established a blockade on Gordon River Rd in the Upper Florentine Valley this morning. An 8 metre high tripod has been erected and a giant black cockatoo is perched at the top. The tripod structure is preventing access for log trucks to the contentious old growth logging area in the Upper Florentine while enabling access for tourists.

“Today we have stopped the transportation of our high conservation value old growth forests, from the south west wilderness, to the Triabunna chip mill and then to the Asian market place to make low grade paper product” said Still Wild Still Threatened spokesperson Ed Hill.

“The old growth forests of the Upper Florentine are far more valuable left standing for tourism, climate stability, biodiversity and endangered species retention. Instead the Bartlett government insists on strategic and swift liquidation of these iconic areas for short term marginal economic gains” said Mr Hill.

“David Bartlett has shown his true environmental credentials this month, starting with the liquidation of ancient forest for wood chips in the Upper Florentine one week and then taking the axe to Tasmania’s environment department” said Mr Hill.

“David Bartlett’s blatant disregard for the environment as an issue for Tasmania is worrying indeed. Tasmania’s environment is the foundation of our economy and society. The Premier is not creating a “new Tasmania”, he is re-hashing the worst policies of the Lennon era” said Mr Hill.

“The forests of the Upper Florentine are refuges for threatened species such as the Tasmanian Devil and Wedge Tailed Eagle. There is federal legislation that protects these animals in the form of the EPBC act; however the Regional Forest Agreement is exempt. The Federal Government must intervene to protect Tasmania’s old growth forests and up hold their EPBC act which the Tasmanian Government and the RFA is making a mockery of” said Mr Hill.

“A Senate inquiry into the RFA will soon reveal the truth about this utterly flawed process, which provides no protection to endangered species” concluded Mr Hill. 
Arrests are expected to take place today at the protest site.

Monday, May 11, 2009

22 Arrests on Mother's Day in Forest Protest

300 people attended the rally at the start of the controversial new logging road. Speakers including Tim Morris MP, Geoff Law, and acclaimed photographer Rob Blakers addressed the crowd, as well as local forest campaigners and Derwent valley residents. 

Police formed a human barricade across the road to try and prevent conservationists from entering the exclusion zone. A number of Derwent Valley residents who have been lobbying the government to save the area crossed the line in peaceful protest and were arrested. This brought the total number of arrests to 15.

50 people then walked down Timbs Track, a walking track that parallels the logging area not in the exclusion zone. From there they walked through the rainforest and into the coupe. As a result police ordered logging contractors to stop work and their machines were locked into a giant cage that has been constructed. Once in the coupe, 7 further community members were arrested, bringing the total arrests to 22. 32 people have been arrested in the last week.

A diverse range of people were arrested including veteran forest campaigner Geoff Law, a local woman in her seventies from Westerway and a 17 year old male.

"Today's rally highlights the massive amount of support for the campaign to end old growth logging. David Bartlett must solve this dispute swiftly if he doesn't want it to become an election issue, which it most likely will as the majority of Tasmanians want to see an end to this wood chip driven madness," said spokesperson Ed Hill.

"The huge diversity of people from all walks of life here today confirms that this is a mainstream issue that average Tasmania's want solved before it is too late for our old growth forests," said Mr. Hill. "The Tasmanian public has had enough of this government's rampant old growth logging regime, they have had enough of the lies that Forestry Tasmania pedal to try and prop up their obviously unsustainable industry, and they have had enough of seeing their forests sold off with marginal returns to the tax payer and massive profits for climate criminals Gunns ltd." Said Mr Hill.

"Today we had local community members getting arrested for defending their own backyard. Local residents of the Derwent Valley have exhausted all other avenues of campaigning. They have been refused a meeting with Premier Bartlett and Primary Industries Minister David Llewellyn several times. Now as the chainsaws and bulldozers tear apart this ancient forest, what option to these people have but peaceful community protest?" said Ed Hill.

The 22 arrested were taken to Hobart where they are currently being processed, they have been charged with trespass.
All photos: Matthew Newton

Conserationist Bailed under Virtual House Arrest

The protester who chained her self to a truck carrying pulp logs from the Upper Florentine has been charged and bailed. Bridget Gattenby, 21 of Mountain River was charged with public nuisance and obstructing a road. Her bail conditions prevent her from leaving her familly home between the hours of 7am and 3pm daily and state that she may have to present herself to police if requested to do so.
"Tasmania police continue to show the public whose interests they really represent. By enforcing heavy handed and over-the-top bail conditions on peaceful protesters the police are clearly acting in the interest of Forestry Tasmania and Gunns Limited. This is an attempt by Tasmania police to try stamp out peaceful protests in the Upper Florentine by trying to make it hard as possible for peaceful protesers to conduct their activities," said spokesperson Ed Hill.
"I'm virtually under house arrest. I thought that bail conditions like the ones i have were only used on serious criminals who pose a threat to society, not peaceful demonstrators who are actually trying to bring positive change which will benefit the whole commmunity. These bail conditions are obvioulsy politically motivated, I pose no threat to society and do don't deserve to be under virtual house arrest. Tasmania police seem to be more interested in protecting the profits of Gunns Ltd than acting in the public interest," said Bridget Gattenby.
"What we are seeing here is an obvious step up in the approach of Tasmania police in relation to bail conditions. On Wednesday 5 people were arrested and recieved various heavy handed conditions such as curfews and daily reports to the police. Today they placed a bright young woman with vision for our future under virtual house arrest. This has obviously been a concerted decision from police to step up their attack on environmentalists. David Bartlett is using the police force as his own privated forest millitia to oversee the annihilation of our remaing areas of old growth forest," said Ed Hill.
"Tasmania police refused to investigate an alledged assault by a Forestry Tasmania employee on Wednesday. It is unacceptable that the police wont even investigate an assault committed by Forestry Tasmania yet they are happy to place a peaceful protester who poses no threat to society under virtual house arrest," said spokesperson Ed Hill.

Pulp logs head to woodchip mill

A female protester who chained herself to a truck carrying pulp logs, in the Upper Florentine has been arrested this evening. She has been taken to Bridgewater police station for processing. This is the tenth arrest in five days since police began removing protesters from the area. Police have maintained a constant presence at the logging site since 5:30am monday morning and have told protesters they will be there untill logging has finished.
"Tasmania police are acting like the private security guards of corporate climate criminals Gunns Ltd. It is not in the public interest for their police force to be overseers of the destruction of our finest natural heritage. It seems the Bartlett government is happy to funnel as much money as it takes into this police operation to see that this ancient wilderness forest is obilerated forever," said Ed Hill.

"I'm sure many of the officers out there would prefer to be keeping the community safe catching real criminals rather than prosecuting people who unselfishly take a stand for Tasmania's forests. Peaceful activists pose no threat to our community, they are trying to improve our community and environment not threaten it," concluded Mr Hill.

Conservationist stops woodchip truck

A conservationist has chained herself to a log truck on Gordon River road in the Upper Florentine this afternoon. The truck is carrying pulp logs from the old growth forest coupe FO44A to the Gunns-owned Triabunna chip mill.

The road is blocked to truck traffic however cars can still get through. The blockade has prevented three gravel trucks from carrying out work on the controversial road into wilderness forest. 
"The timber on the back of this truck was once a part of 400 and 500 year old trees that were mature long before the world had even heard of Australia. These are some of the last temperate tall forests in the world that should be regarded as a national treasure. Instead Premier Bartlett is sanctioning their destruction for low grade paper products for the Asian market," said spokesperson Ed Hill.
"Forestry Tasmania claims yesterday that coupe FO44A in the Upper Florentine has a "very high volume" of sawlogs are utterly ridiculous. Last January Forestry Tasmania publicly conceded that 80 to 90% of the timber in the coupe would be woodchipped. How can anyone believe Ken Jefferey's out right lies regarding saw log volume when Forestry Tasmania have already admitted that the vast majority of the coupe will be chipped. The fact of the matter is that the forest is so ancient that there simply aren't many saw logs in their to start with. Most trees are very old, hollow, twisted and unsuitable for milling. Forestry's pathetic lies over saw log volume are an attempt to convince a very sceptical public of the legitimacy of the operation which is clearly woodchip driven," Ed Hill said.
"We are already seeing the start of a massive down turn in the woodchip market, with ports drowning under woodchip stockpiles and mills being forced to close periodically. Why then does the Labor government insist on decimating these last pristine areas that will be thrown on the chip heap and attempted to be sold in an increasingly stagnant market?"

"This is a last ditch effort by Forestry Tasmania under the guidance of Gunns and with the financial backing of the Bartlett government to systematically destroy these final areas before a senate inquiry recommends changes to the regional forest agreement to not be exempt from the Environment Protection Biodiversity and Conservation Act," concluded spokesperson Ed Hill.